This infographic takes research compiled from an article published in Poultry Science ® examining 63 different papers on Pekin duck welfare. The findings in this comprehensive research has provided some excellent tips for producers of these waterfowl. There is also more welfare...
Dos and Donts of Raising Pekin Ducks Infographic 2022.pdf
PSA Hatchery Interpretive Summary Selection by Paulina Farias A team of researchers sought out to determine if hatching broilers on-farm would result in better welfare as opposed to hatching chicks in a hatchery and then transporting them to a farm. Results of the study yield that on-farm...
Hatching broilers on-farm may be a viable alternative to increase efficiency and welfare.pdf
When it comes to perches, do turkeys prefer plastic or wooden platforms? A team of scientists decided to study this question, and the results yielded a preference among the poultry. Read the summary to see which of the materials is preferred and also resulted in easier transitions for older...
Turkeys lurching New study shows plastic platforms make for a more stable—and popular—elevated turkey structure.pdf
Depopulation is a beneficial component of maintaining a healthy laying flock. However, because many commercial laying hens are not accustomed to being handled, the process of catching these birds can cause stress and injury. This study looks at the effects depopulation has on birds in a noncage...
Poultry scientists examine laying hen welfare during depopulation in noncage systems.pdf