In the post-antibiotic era, novel non-antibiotic feed additives have become increasingly important for controlling poultry diseases and improving the intestinal health and performance of commercial poultry. The goal of these additives is to optimize host immunity, reduce gut damage and reduce...
06132024 PSA Interpretive Summary carnosine.docx
The effects of a dustbathing environment on the health and immunity of laying hens are not well understood, so a group of researchers at Northeast Agricultural University in Harbin, China, conducted a study to investigate the effects of dustbathing environment on the intestinal health, gut...
Dustbathing environment may influence immune status of laying hens.pdf
This study from Poultry ScienceĀ® has shown that including a supplementation of brown seaweed to broiler diets helped with growth performance regardless of health changes associated with heat stress. #InterpretiveSummary #PoultryScienceJournal #HeatStress #Broilers #Immunity ...
Brown seaweed supplementation may help broilers handle heat stress.pdf
A new study from The Journal of Applied Poultry Research shows that factoring in non-additive effects may improve humoral immunity (antibody protection) in flocks. The study looks at data from six generations of Japanese quail where the researchers found that adding non-additive genetic effects...
Japanese quail give researchers a new look at poultry genetics and immune function.pdf