This study was conducted by researchers from the Department of Animal Science at the University of Connecticut. The primary goal of this study was to investigate the effects of probiotic supplementation, both in ovo (directly into the egg before hatching) and in feed, on the growth and...
In ovo and in-feed probiotic supplementation improves layer embryo and pullet growth.docx
Many studies show that ambient temperatures outside the normal range can negatively affect the health and performance of chickens, but there is little comparable research in turkey poults. Moreover, most chicken studies focus on extreme heat stress -- for example, 7-10°C (about 13-18°F) above an...
Tanja E. Wolf* † , Kathrin Toppel ‡ , Lea Jacobsen ‡ , Robby Andersson ‡ , Chadi Touma* ⁎ Department of Behavioural Biology, Osnabrück University, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany † Mammal Research Institute, University of Pretoria, 0002 Pretoria, South Africa ‡ Department of...
PSA stress markers Sept 2024.docx
Interpretative summary: An avian-origin internal backbone effectively increases the H5 subtype avian influenza vaccine candidate yield in both chicken embryonated eggs and MDCK cells. by María José Valdez, University of Autonomous of Barcelona Researchers from the College of...
Eggs are widely consumed around the world, but eggs can be contaminated with microorganisms that may transmit food-borne diseases to consumers. To reduce this risk, eggs are washed during processing in many countries. However, some studies have suggested that traditional chemical cleaners may...
08052024 PSA Interpretive Summary sanitizing eggs.docx
Researchers at Cairo University, in collaboration with other international institutions, conducted a study aimed at improving poultry hygiene. They focused on advanced disinfection strategies to combat Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) contamination in hatching eggs. A prominent infection in...
Interpretive summary Reddyvari.pdf
In the post-antibiotic era, novel non-antibiotic feed additives have become increasingly important for controlling poultry diseases and improving the intestinal health and performance of commercial poultry. The goal of these additives is to optimize host immunity, reduce gut damage and reduce...
06132024 PSA Interpretive Summary carnosine.docx
Bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis -- BCO -- can cause severe lameness in modern, fast-growing broiler chickens. Currently, BCO results in condemnation of an estimated 1-2% of market age birds. Besides this huge economic loss, there are animal welfare and food safety concerns as...
A group of researchers from the Georgia Tech Research Institute, University of Saskatchewan, University of Georgia, Auburn University, USDA-ARS U.S National Poultry Research Center, and Tyson Foods studied the concept of an alternative slaughtering procedure on farm and its effects on carcass...
Interpretive Summary (April 2024) Paulina Farias.pdf
Insects and derived products are possible alternative feedstuffs to improve the sustainability of the livestock sector due to several promising attributes such as limited space requirements for growing larvae, short productive cycles, limited water needs and the suitability of some species to...
05032024 PSA Interpretive Summary mealworm quail diets.pdf