Insects and derived products are possible alternative feedstuffs to improve the sustainability of the livestock sector due to several promising attributes such as limited space requirements for growing larvae, short productive cycles, limited water needs and the suitability of some species to...
05032024 PSA Interpretive Summary mealworm quail diets.pdf
This study from The Journal of Applied Poultry Research investigated the effects of different proportions of peas, pea protein concentrate (PPC), and hulls in pelleted broiler rations, measuring growth performance, carcass characteristics, and changes in intestinal microbiota. Results of this...
Peas and pea products in broiler diets - effects on growth carcass gut microbiome.pdf
A study in Poultry Science ® compared the effects of replacing fish meal with defatted black soldier fly larvae in layer hen diets. This infographic breaks down the research and features the key takeaways with this up-and-coming trend in poultry diets. #Infographic ...
Infographic File - Larvae for Layers.pdf