Interpretive Summary: Projection of Industry Paradigms into the Future December, 2024 | by Clayton Gill Leading poultry scientists, major industry suppliers, and a top global market research firm teamed up to project "paradigms" of the poultry industry into the future. The study...
Interpretative summary: An avian-origin internal backbone effectively increases the H5 subtype avian influenza vaccine candidate yield in both chicken embryonated eggs and MDCK cells. by María José Valdez, University of Autonomous of Barcelona Researchers from the College of...
Poultry water systems can be a vector for both avian and human pathogenic bacteria. To sanitize, producers often use bleach -- an economical, chlorine-based, solution of sodium hypochlorite (8.25% NaOCl). New research evaluates current water sanitation practices and their effect on Salmonella,...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Poultry Science Association Recognizes Industry and Academic Excellence Louisville, KY – July 18, 2024 – The Poultry Science Association (PSA), the leading international professional scientific society dedicated to poultry, was excited to host an evening of...
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Researchers at Cairo University, in collaboration with other international institutions, conducted a study aimed at improving poultry hygiene. They focused on advanced disinfection strategies to combat Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) contamination in hatching eggs. A prominent infection in...
Interpretive summary Reddyvari.pdf
A group of researchers from the Georgia Tech Research Institute, University of Saskatchewan, University of Georgia, Auburn University, USDA-ARS U.S National Poultry Research Center, and Tyson Foods studied the concept of an alternative slaughtering procedure on farm and its effects on carcass...
Interpretive Summary (April 2024) Paulina Farias.pdf
Insects and derived products are possible alternative feedstuffs to improve the sustainability of the livestock sector due to several promising attributes such as limited space requirements for growing larvae, short productive cycles, limited water needs and the suitability of some species to...
05032024 PSA Interpretive Summary mealworm quail diets.pdf
Curious as to how advances in engineering have benefited the poultry industry? PSA sat down with Doug Britton, Georgia Tech Research Institute, to discuss the technology evolution and the direction it is headed. #Let'sSquawkAboutIt #PoultryProcessing #Engineering #Technology ...