A group of researchers from the Georgia Tech Research Institute, University of Saskatchewan, University of Georgia, Auburn University, USDA-ARS U.S National Poultry Research Center, and Tyson Foods studied the concept of an alternative slaughtering procedure on farm and its effects on carcass...
Interpretive Summary (April 2024) Paulina Farias.pdf
Avoiding egg proteins may be tough for many egg-allergic consumers. New research suggests that products from older laying hens, called spent fowl, are at a high risk for egg protein contamination. Researchers think one solution may lie in more consistent allergen labeling. ...
Avoiding egg allergies through more consistent labeling.pdf
Curious as to how advances in engineering have benefited the poultry industry? PSA sat down with Doug Britton, Georgia Tech Research Institute, to discuss the technology evolution and the direction it is headed. #Let'sSquawkAboutIt #PoultryProcessing #Engineering #Technology ...
Join us as we sit down with Aaron Kiess, with Mississippi State University and Tomi Obe from the University of Georgia to discuss a current hot topic in the poultry processing industry: salmonella sanitization. Interested in reading more? Check out the published paper, for free, here. ...