This study was conducted by researchers from the Department of Animal Science at the University of Connecticut. The primary goal of this study was to investigate the effects of probiotic supplementation, both in ovo (directly into the egg before hatching) and in feed, on the growth and...
In ovo and in-feed probiotic supplementation improves layer embryo and pullet growth.docx
Tanja E. Wolf* † , Kathrin Toppel ‡ , Lea Jacobsen ‡ , Robby Andersson ‡ , Chadi Touma* ⁎ Department of Behavioural Biology, Osnabrück University, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany † Mammal Research Institute, University of Pretoria, 0002 Pretoria, South Africa ‡ Department of...
PSA stress markers Sept 2024.docx
Eggshell quality plays a key role in hatchability. The flotation method has been favored to detect eggshell quality due to its low cost and practicality. However, this method comes short of detecting some abnormalities such as hairline cracks and translucent spots. A newer method of measuring...
Eggshell translucency linked to hatchability unrelated to other egg traits.pdf
PSA Hatchery Selection by María José Valdez (University of Autonomous of Barcelona); Edited by Jo Ann Chew (University of Alberta) The primary objective of this study was to compare the microbiota composition between chicks that had early contact with adult hens and those that did not, aiming...
Contact with adult hens affects the composition of skin and respiratory tract microbiota in newly hatched chicks..pdf
With little investigations into the quality of guinea fowl meat, researchers in Poland conducted a study to evaluate the fatty acid profile and quality parameters of meat from these birds. The study yields details into the nutrition of guinea fowl meat as well as opportunities for further...
Guinea fowl meat quality quantified suggests niche market potential.pdf
This Student Hatchery Interpretive Summary selection (written by Ragini Reddyvari, University of Connecticut) comes from Poultry Science®. The study focuses on utilizing probiotics to enhance gut health. This research highlights how probiotics can improve overall health in chickens. ...
Enhancing Gut Health Using Probiotics in Locally Sourced Ethiopian Chickens.pdf
Olive oil has been widely used for human consumption and pharmaceutical uses and is associated with multiple health benefits. Certain olive oil byproducts, such as olive mill wastewater, also contain significant bioactive compounds with a wide range of physiological activities. This article from...
Feeding olive co-products supports broiler performance.pdf
PSA Hatchery Interpretive Summary Selection by Paulina Farias A team of researchers sought out to determine if hatching broilers on-farm would result in better welfare as opposed to hatching chicks in a hatchery and then transporting them to a farm. Results of the study yield that on-farm...
Hatching broilers on-farm may be a viable alternative to increase efficiency and welfare.pdf
Heat stress is an important environmental stressor that can contribute to economic losses for commercial broilers. A team of researchers in China conducted a study to determine the impact of heat stress on broiler respiratory systems. The results show that prolonged exposure to heat stress can...
Heat stress may cause lung injury in broiler chickens.pdf
Researchers in Brazil conducted a study to determine whether there is an interaction between myopathy severity and long storage periods. The results showed that the fatty acid profile and nutritional properties of the meat may be affected. #InterpretiveSummary #PoultryScienceJournal ...
Wooden breast myopathy may affect chicken meat quality after frozen storage.pdf