Eggs are widely consumed around the world, but eggs can be contaminated with microorganisms that may transmit food-borne diseases to consumers. To reduce this risk, eggs are washed during processing in many countries. However, some studies have suggested that traditional chemical cleaners may...
08052024 PSA Interpretive Summary sanitizing eggs.docx
A recent study published in The Journal of Applied Poultry Research sought to determine the best stocking density for free range layer flocks. Although there is no standard stocking density for free range layers, the researchers set out to identify if the common 1-1.5 square foot space per...
How best to stock a free-range flock.pdf
Join us as we sit down with Aaron Kiess, with Mississippi State University and Tomi Obe from the University of Georgia to discuss a current hot topic in the poultry processing industry: salmonella sanitization. Interested in reading more? Check out the published paper, for free, here. ...