Avian coccidiosis, one of the most prevalent infections chickens globally, remains a main obstacle to the development of poultry industries in developing agricultural nations. The two main approaches to managing Eimeria protozoa infections in commercial chicken production are...
10022024 PSA Interpretive Summary coccidia.docx
Interpretative summary: An avian-origin internal backbone effectively increases the H5 subtype avian influenza vaccine candidate yield in both chicken embryonated eggs and MDCK cells. by María José Valdez, University of Autonomous of Barcelona Researchers from the College of...
The majority of today’s broiler breeders are highly concentrated. With this comes increased risk of disease outbreaks and corresponding responses (such as depopulating flocks) to combat disease. This study from The Journal of Applied Poultry Research shows that postmolt vaccination can...
Broiler Breeders - Postmolt Vaccination for IBD and REO.pdf
Researchers in the Netherlands and Spain studied the effects of vaccination as well as feed additives to combat Necrotic enteritis. Together, the combination proved to hold some promising results. #InterpretiveSummary #PoultryScienceJournal #Broilers #Vaccine ...
Attenuated coccidiosis vaccine may protect broilers from necrotic enteritis.pdf
Avian influenza outbreaks in the United States are rare, but when the virus strikes, the results are devastating. The disease spreads very rapidly, and producers must rely on quarantine-and-cull to try to limit the damage. A 2015 outbreak led to an estimated loss of over 48 million birds. ...
Poultry Scientists Test Promising Avian Influenza Vaccination Strategies 2.pdf