Eggs are widely consumed around the world, but eggs can be contaminated with microorganisms that may transmit food-borne diseases to consumers. To reduce this risk, eggs are washed during processing in many countries. However, some studies have suggested that traditional chemical cleaners may...
08052024 PSA Interpretive Summary sanitizing eggs.docx
Poultry water systems can be a vector for both avian and human pathogenic bacteria. To sanitize, producers often use bleach -- an economical, chlorine-based, solution of sodium hypochlorite (8.25% NaOCl). New research evaluates current water sanitation practices and their effect on Salmonella,...
Lowering the risk of foodborne illnesses such as those that come from Salmonella are a major priority for producers of fresh poultry products. However, various sanitizing agents can be corrosive to processing equipment. A recent study shows that Neutral Electrolyzed Water (NEW) is a possible...
Switching to Neutral Electrolyzed Water Can Lead to Safe Poultry Decontamination Without Chemical By-products 2.pdf