Committee on Careers

Awards this Committee Oversees

*Alltech Student Research Manuscript Award
*PSA Student Recruitment Award (odd years)


  • Meet at least quarterly or more frequently if needed.
  • The committee also oversees selection of a recipient of the PSA Student Recruitment Award (during odd years) and the Alltech Student Research Manuscript Award according to the award guidelines available on the PSA website (Award Criteria & Guidelines).
  • Working with the Global Relations Committee, identify needs and future professional development opportunities for members.
  • Develop and implement means to educate young professionals on how to obtain research funding. 

Committee Chair: Andrew (Drew) P. Benson

Committee Board Liaison: Marisa Erasmus

Alltech Representative: Kayla R. Price, non-voting

Showing 1 to 10 of 10
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Student Director
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University of Georgia
Professor/extension Poultry Specialist
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