About WPSA

The World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA) is a long established and unique organization that strives to advance knowledge and understanding of all aspects of poultry science and the poultry industry. WPSA is a global association of professionals and students with country-specific branches and leadership.

Membership benefits include access to the World's Poultry Science Journal (WPSJ), a multitude of ways to network with professionals in the poultry industry across the globe, discounts on registration fees for WPSA related events, quarterly WPSA newsletters, eligibility for travel grants, and the ability to participate in WPSA's Speaker's Bureau and programs aimed at branch and global development.

About the World's Poultry Congress

WPSA holds the World’s Poultry Congress every four years, plus the individual WPSA branches host regional conferences, symposia, and meetings. The next World’s Poultry Congress is scheduled for 2026 in Toronto, Canada. You can find more information regarding WPC 2026, which will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, here: https://www.wpc2026toronto.com/

Join/Renew WPSA-USA

Meet our WPSA-USA Executive Committee

Please note that if you are in need of your WPSA Member Number, please contact Dorien Velner at wpsa@xs4all.nl.

Executive Committee

 Edgar Oviedo-Rondon

Edgar Oviedo-Rondon

Trustee (2027)

North Carolina State University
Prestage Dept of Poultry Science
2711 Founders Dr Campus Box 7608
Raleigh, NC 27695-0001, US
(919) 515-5391

Andrea Rubio

Trustee (2029)

North Carolina State University
Scott Hall, 2711 Founders Dr, 
Raleigh, NC 27607
(334) 559-1594

Cristiano Bortoluzzi

Trustee (2029)

Wilhelminasingel 39
Maastricht 6221 BE
(765) 418-0014

Wilmer Pacheco 

Trustee (2029)

Auburn University
302D Poultry Science Building
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
(334) 759-9970

 Lisa R. Bielke

Lisa R. Bielke

Trustee (2027)

North Carolina State University
250 1/2 W North St
Wosoter, OH 44691, US
(479) 387-7681

Birendra Mishra

Birendra Mishra

Trustee (2027)

University of Hawaii
1955 E West Rd
Agsci 216
Honolulu, HI 96822-2348, US
(859) 536-4938

Robert E. Buresh

Robert E. Buresh


Novus International, Inc.
307 Wescott Drive
Clemson, SC, 29631
(864) 633-8633