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Press Release: Poultry Science Association's Annual Meeting featured over 500 scientific sessions for professionals in the poultry sciences.

By PSA Staff posted 07-12-2023 11:00 PM


The Poultry Science Association (PSA) Annual Meeting fostered conversations surrounding animal welfare, sustainability, nutrition, data and other related areas.

PHILADELPHIA, PA, UNITED STATES, July 13, 2023 – Over 1,100 poultry science professionals and students engaged in networking, conversations relating to cutting-edge research, and honored award recipients.

Over the course of four days, attendees experienced a full program featuring 511 abstract presentations (204 being presented by students) and 82 symposium presentations.

“We brought our members together from around the globe to share a wide variety of in-depth symposia topics across the various scientific disciplines,” said 2023 Program Chair Michael Persia (Virginia Tech). “In addition, we allowed our student members the opportunity to highlight their hard work and scientific achievements over the previous year.”

Renowned speakers shared valuable insights on diverse topics, including poultry meat research, digital tools for optimizing performance and profitability, immunology, physiology and reproduction, microbiology and other related areas of poultry science.

“I really enjoyed my days here in the states, Annemarie Mens (Wageningen Livestock Research, the Netherlands) said. Mens presented Feeding pullets in stressful conditions: Does mash size matter for behavior? in a symposium focused on animal well-being and behavior.

Amit Morey (Auburn University), works on developing innovative technologies to improve meat quality, shelf life and product safety. His research has recognized that poultry meat color plays a crucial role in consumer purchasing decisions and he was pleased to present this topic at the conference.

“We are looking at different equipment and technologies that are used to measure the color and make sure the product that goes to the consumer is uniform, desirable and what consumers believe is of higher quality,” Morey said, “I think the poultry industry is one of the best industries in the world to be in.”

Research is continuing for people including Morey, who has optimism for how it can help grow and sustain the poultry industry.

Tom Porter (University of Maryland), 2022-2023 PSA President, emphasized the effort and time that went into planning the logistics of this year’s Annual Meeting. He expressed his gratitude to the PSA staff and dedicated volunteers who contributed to its success.

“The opportunity to serve the Poultry Science Association was an honor that I couldn’t turn down. The Association has been my academic family since 1985,” said Porter.

During Porter’s presidency, the Association started initiatives that will foster communications across different sectors of the poultry sciences. He also created an exploratory committee to investigate the possibility of the Association holding a scientific conference in the Asia-Pacific region. Porter will continue to serve as Past President on the board until 2024.

Porter’s successor, Brian Fairchild (University of Georgia), began his term as president on Wednesday of the 2023 Annual Meeting.

“I look forward to working with the PSA staff, board and members in an effort to increase the success of the Association and its journals,” said Fairchild.

The Association’s Business Meeting not only welcomed Fairchild to the presidency, but also announced the results of the board elections.

New members starting their term on the PSA Board of Directors:

  • Douglas R. Korver, University of Alberta, 2nd Vice President
  • Karen D. Christenson, Tyson Foods Inc., Director
  • Deana R. Jones, USDA-ARS, Director
  • Muhammad Ali, University of Georgia, Jr. Student Director

PSA expressed its gratitude to the retiring board members:

  • Lisa R. Bielke, North Carolina State University, Director
  • Charles L. Hofacre, Southern Poultry Research Group, Director
  • Andrea Rubio, North Carolina State University, Sr. Student Director
  • Karen Schwean-Lardner, University of Saskatchewan, Past President

In addition to scientific sessions, attendees enjoyed networking opportunities such the annual PSA BBQ held at the National Constitution Center. On a global level, Attendees were able to engage with several media partners and 11 exhibitors filling the exhibit and poster hall.

The 2024 PSA Annual Meeting will take place at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, July 15 - 18. Further information will be shared on the Poultry Science Association’s website.

About PSA

The Poultry Science Association is committed to the research, the dissemination and application of knowledge that supports the poultry industry. PSA is a professional organization that consists of poultry science professionals and students from across the globe. For additional information about PSA, visit www.poultryscience.org.

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