Abstract Submission is Open!

The abstract submission deadline was Monday, March 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST.

Access Abstract Submission Site

General Information

Poultry scientists and students are encouraged to submit original research, teaching and extension papers, field reports and case studies. Oral and poster presentation papers should consist of original, completed work that has not been accepted for publication in a journal or presented at another scientific meeting. Authors are encouraged to present research reports in poster sessions to expand the presentation of material, to facilitate discussion of research results among attendees, and to diversify the meeting format.

The author submitting the abstract is responsible for its content and quality of preparation. Authors should be aware of patent considerations before submitting abstracts for publication. It is expected that all presenting authors will attend the meeting in-person to present their research. No virtual presentations are planned. 

Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, March 17, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET

PSA will be utilizing Electronic Posters (e-posters) only for this year's Annual Meeting. Traditional posters will not be allowed. There is a $100 charge for each poster abstract at the time of submission. There is no charge for oral abstract submissions.

It is very important that all authors submitting abstracts read the instructions and other documents prior to submitting an abstract. The Program Committee reserves the right to change the abstract presentation type if necessary due to scheduling constraints.

  • Instructions for Submission of Abstracts 

  • Abstract Guidelines 

  • PSA No-Show Abstract Policy

Students presenters are encouraged to participate in the Student Award of Excellence competition. 

Students competing for an Award of Excellence must be the FIRST author listed on the abstract, must specify they wish to enter the competition at the time of abstract submission, and submit their competition abstract to the appropriate Student Competition section. Student competitors may submit multiple abstracts for presentation, but only ONE abstract may be entered in the competition.

To begin an abstract submission or edit an existing submission, please click the Submission link.

E-Poster Information

What makes an ePosterBoard different?
Dynamic & Interactive: Add multimedia elements like your videos, animations, and links to bring your poster to life! Add QR codes to share more content.
Easy Uploads: Quickly upload your poster in a high-resolution platform for a polished, professional presentation.
Space and Slides: No need to jam pack everything in one view, With ePosterBoards, you have the ability to add multiple slides to enhance your poster, such as showing an enlarged graph or highlighting a video, the possibilities are endless.


Yes. Step 2 of the abstract submission process will require you to select whether you are submitting your abstract as a poster or an oral presentation.

Students entering their abstract into the Student Award of Excellence Competition will submit their abstract into the Student Competition Category of their designated category. (Example: Student Competition: Animal Well-Being and Behavior). Students will then choose Apply for Student Certificate of Excellence under the Awards section. If a student selects Decline, they will not be in the competition.

Please note that while students are welcome to submit multiple abstracts, only one abstract may be entered in the competition.

All authors are expected to attend the 2024 PSA Annual Meeting. Please see the No Show Policy above for additional details.

All presenters who attend and present their abstract at the 2024 PSA Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY will have their abstract published in an e-suppliment to Poultry Science® in September 2024. Authors who do not present are considered no-shows and will not have their abstracts published. No-shows can also impact a presenter's eligibility to submit abstracts for consideration at future meetings.